The Whole Soul Session is a multi-healing experience that includes Reiki by Beth Bersot and a Soul Portrait by Kelley Luckett. Each Whole Soul Session is 60-minutes. This experience includes a 30-minute combined Reiki session and Soul Portrait, with a 30-minute discussion from the healers of the messages and/or downloads they received during the session.
Reiki is an energy exchange that helps with the body’s natural healing process, promoting relaxation and stress reduction. Reiki works on the whole self, the mind, body, and spirit. Beth works with cleansing, clearing and activating the 7 main chakras, while also receiving information and downloads.
Soul Portraits are abstract interpretations of a person’s energy painted with watercolor and crystal infused moon water. Kelley uses art and color to guide her intuition. After connecting with your energy, she asks to be a channel for messages from your guides. The result is a magical painting and reading full of insight and guidance.
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